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Farmasötik Peptitler

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Ürün adı:vapreotid,oktastatin,vapreotid
Sekans: D-Phe-[Cys-Tyr-D-Trp-Lys-Val-Cys]-Trp-NH2
takma ad:sanvar,RC-160;vapreotid;D-PHE-CYS-TYR-D-TRP-LYS-VAL-CYS-TRP-NH2; oktastatin;
CAS Numarası.: 103222-11-3
Moleküler formül: C57H70N12O9S2
Moleküler ağırlık: 1131.40
Saflık (HPLC): 98.0%
Dış görünüş: Beyaz toz
Tek Kirlilik(HPLC): 1.0%
Amino Asit Bileşimi: 10% teorik
Peptit İçeriği(N%): 80%(%N ile)
Su içeriği(karl Fischer): 6.0%
Asetat İçeriği(HPIC): 15.0%
Kütle dengesi: 95.0~105.0%
Seviye : İlaç Derecesi
Depolamak: Kapalı, aşağıda 2 ~ 8 ℃ koruma
kullanım : İlaç erken akut özofagus varis kanamasının tedavisi için kullanılabilir. (EVB) ve hemostaz öncesi endoskopik girişimsel tedavi, içinde kanama da olabilir 5 endoskopik sonrası nüksün tedavisi ve önlenmesi için d lens. vapreotid asetat Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nde özofagus varis kanaması için onaylanmış tek tedavi olacaktır..

Variceal bleeding is a life-threatening complication of portal hypertension. The recommended treatment includes the early administration of a vasoactive drug. Vapreotide is a somatostatin analogue with a different receptor affinity to octreotide. It decreases portal pressure and blood flow of collateral circulation in rats with cirrhosis. The pivotal study of early administration of vapreotide in patients with cirrhosis and variceal bleeding has shown a significant improvement in bleeding control and, in the subset of patients with significant bleeding, a significant reduction in mortality. Ek olarak, a meta-analysis of four randomized studies has shown a significant improvement in bleeding control. Vapreotide administrated via the intravenous route is simple to use, with practically no contraindications and few, usually minor, side effects.

The immediate release formulation of Sanvar, a somatostatin analogue, is used in the treatment of acute esophageal variceal bleeding (EVB).Sanvar is used prior to endoscopic intervention to control haemorrhage and prevent re-bleeding during the critical five days following the onset of bleeding. EVB is a life threatening condition and the mortality rate is high (about 15% ile 25%) in the first six weeks following the haemorrhage. EVB is the cause of about 70% of gastro-intestinal bleeding in patients suffering from liver cirrhosis.

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