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Pharmazeutische Peptide

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von Elcaton
Alias:Calcinil,Carbicalcin,Carbocalcitonin,von Elcaton, Elcitons, Turbocalcin
CAS-NR. : 60731-46-6
EINECS : 262-393-7
MF : C148H244N42O47
MW : 3363.82
Aussehen : weißes Puder
Reinheit : 98%
Klasse : Pharmazeutische Klasse
Peptidgehalt(von %N): ≥80%
Wassergehalt(CarlFischer): ≤8,0 %
Acetatgehalt(durch HPLC): ≤12,0 %
Aminosäurezusammensetzung: ±10 % der Theorie
Reinheit(durch HPLC): 98.0%Mindest.
Einzelne Verunreinigung(durch HPLC): 0.5%max.
Probe(Von wasserfrei, Essigsäurefrei): 95.0~105,0 %
FRAU: Konsistent
Lagerung: Kühler, trockener Ort(-20℃, weg vom Licht)
Verwendungszweck : Elcatonin wird bei Hyperkalzämie angewendet, Osteoporose.

Elcatonin is a Calcitonin derivative which is transformed from eel's calcitonin by changing the S-S bond into the stable C-N bond. It inhibits the absorption and autolysis of bones, thus leads to blood calcium descending. Zusätzlich, it inhibits the bone salts dissolving and transferring and promotes the excretion of calcium and phosphorus in urine. Meanwhile, it inhibits renal tubules reabsorbing calcium, phosphorus and sodium and keeps blood calcium at normal level. It is mainly used for remitting or eliminating the pain caused by Osteoporosis.

Elcatonin Synthetic is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 31 Aminosäuren, having a molecular mass of 3363.2 Dalton and a Molecular formula of C148H244N42O47.

Elcatonin is a Calcitonin derivative which is transformed from eel's calcitonin by changing the S-S bond into the stable C-N bond. It inhibits the absorption and autolysis of bones, thus leads to blood calcium descending. Zusätzlich, it inhibits the bone salts dissolving and transferring and promotes the excretion of calcium and phosphorus in urine. Meanwhile, it inhibits renal tubules reabsorbing calcium, phosphorus and sodium and keeps blood calcium at normal level. It is mainly used for remitting or eliminating the pain caused by Osteoporosis.

Wassergehalt(CarlFischer) :≤10,0 %
Acetatgehalt(durch HPLC) :≤15,0 %
Aminosäurezusammensetzung :±10 % der Theorie
Reinheit (durch HPLC) :≥98,0 %
Einzelne Verunreinigung(durch HPLC) :≤1,0 %
Peptidgehalt(von %N) :≥80%
Probe(Von wasserfrei, Essigsäurefrei ) :95.0~105,0 %
Bakterielle Endotoxine :≤5EU/mg

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