Zaporedje:H-His-Ser-Asp-Gly-Thr-Phe-Thr-Ser-Glu-Leu-Ser-Arg-Leu-Arg-Asp-Ser-Ala-Arg-Leu-Gln-Arg-Leu-Leu-Gln- Gly-Leu-Val-NH2
vzdevek : Sekretin, Prašičji sekretin, Prašičji sekretin, Secrepan, Secretin-Ferring, Secretolin,Človeški sekretin
Cas Št.: 17034-35-4
EINECS : 241-105-3
Molekularna formula: C130H220N44O41
Molekularna teža: 3055.47
Čistost (HPLC): 98.0%min.
Videz: Bel prah
Ena nečistoča (HPLC): 1.0%maks
Aminokislinska sestava: ±10 % teoretičnega
Vsebnost peptidov (N%): >80.0%
Vsebnost vode(Karl Fischer): <6.0%
Vsebnost acetata (HPIC): <15.0%
GOSPA(ESI): Dosledno
Masno ravnotežje: 95.0~105,0 %
Ocena : Farmacevtski razred
Shranjevanje: Zaprto, spodaj 2 ~ 8℃ ohranjanje
Uporaba : Sekretin acetat je hormon, ki je odgovoren za nadzor okolja dvanajstnika z uravnavanjem izločanja trebušne slinavke in želodca, hkrati pa uravnava homeostazo vode v celotnem živalskem telesu.. Konkretno, pomaga uravnavati pH dvanajstnika tako, da zavira izločanje želodčne kisline iz parietalnih celic želodca in povečuje stimulacijo proizvodnje bikarbonata v centroacinarnih celicah trebušne slinavke..
Secretin is a hormone that regulates water homeostasis throughout the body and influences the environment of the duodenum by regulating secretions in the stomach, pancreas, and liver. It is a peptide hormone produced in the S cells of the duodenum, which are located in the intestinal glands.In humans, the secretin peptide is encoded by the SCT gene.
Secretin helps regulate the pH of the duodenum by inhibiting the secretion of gastric acid from the parietal cells of the stomach and stimulating the production of bicarbonate from the ductal cells of the pancreas.It also stimulates the secretion of bicarbonate and water by cholangiocytes in the bile duct, protecting it from bile acids by controlling the pH and promoting the flow in the duct.Meanwhile, in concert with secretin's actions, the other main hormone simultaneously issued by the duodenum, cholecystokinin (CCK), is stimulating the gallbladder to contract, delivering its stored bile.