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Farmaseutiese Peptiede

» Peptiede » Farmaseutiese Peptiede

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Produk Naam:Siconotide Acetate,Prialt
CAS-registernommer: 107452-89-1
Molekulêre Formule: C102H172N36O32S7
Molekulêre gewig: 2639.01
Volgorde: Cys-Lys-Gly-Lys-Gly-Ala-Lys-Cys-Ser-Arg-Leu-Met-Tyr-Asp-Cys-Cys-Thr-Gly-Ser-Cys-Arg-Ser-Gly-Lys-Cys- NH2(Disfulde brug: 1-16, 8-20, 15-25)
Voorkoms: Wit poeier
Graad: Farmaseutiese Graad
Waterinhoud(Karl Fischer): 5.0%
Asetaat inhoud(deur HPLC): 12.0%
Aminosuur samestelling: 10% van teoretiese
Reinheid(deur HPLC): 98.0%
Enkele Onreinheid(deur HPLC): 1.0%
Peptied inhoud(deur %N ): 80%
Toets(Deur Anhydrous, Asynsuurvry ): 95.0~105,0%
Berging: Koel(2~8 ) & droë plek beskerm teen lig, hou pakket naby wanneer dit nie gebruik word nie.

Ziconotide (also known as SNX-111) is a neurotoxic peptide derived from the cone snail Conus magus comprising 25 amino acids with three disulphide bonds. Other such peptides, collectively termed conotoxins, exist, and some have shown efficacy in binding specific subsets of calcium channels; ziconotide is used in part because it can be synthesized without loss of proper bond formation or structural elements.Ziconotide is used to manage severe chronic pain refractory to other methods, through its ability to inhibit N-type calcium channels involved in nociceptive signalling.

Ziconotide is an N-type calcium channel antagonist used to manage patients with severe chronic pain who cannot tolerate, or who have not responded adequately to other treatments such as intrathecal morphine and systemic analgesics.

Ziconotide inhibits N-type calcium channels involved in nociceptive signalling, primarily in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.Although binding is reversible, careful dosing is required to ensure therapeutic effects while minimizing adverse effects, and ziconotide has been described as possessing a narrow therapeutic window.Patients taking ziconontide may experience cognitive and neuropsychiatric symptoms, reduced levels of consciousness, and elevated serum creatine kinase levels. In addition, ziconotide may increase the risk of infection, including serious cases of meningitis. Patients who withdraw from opiates for ziconotide initiation are advised to taper off the dose.

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