Fabricante de pó de esteróides anabolizantes da China
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Produtos farmacêuticos ativos

» Produtos farmacêuticos » Produtos farmacêuticos ativos

  • Especificações
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Nome do Produto Polilisina / Poli-L-Lisina
CAS 25104-18-1
MF C6H14N2O2
MW 146.19
Aparência Off-white to Pale yellow powder
Temperatura de armazenamento. Manter em local escuro,Selado a seco,Temperatura do quarto

Polylysine is a small natural homopolymer of the essential amino acid L-lysine that is produced by bacterial fermentation. ε-Poly-L-lysine is used as a natural preservative in food products.ε-Polylysine belongs to the group of cationic polymers. In water, ε-polylysine contains a positively charged hydrophilic amino group . According to research, ε-polylysine is adsorbed electrostatically to the cell surface of the bacteria, followed by a stripping of the outer membrane. This eventually leads to the abnormal distribution of the causing damage to the bacterial cell.

Polylysine has a broad spectrum of antibacterial properties, can effectively inhibit the growth of various microorganisms, to ensure the quality of the product Chemicalbook quantity. ε- polylysine is a polymer of amino acids, is a nutritional preservative, so more green, safe and efficient. In addition, ε -polylysine is also widely used in toothpaste, mouthwash, soap, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, kitchen cleaning agent, women's sanitary napkins, baby diapers and other daily chemical products.

Aparência Off-white to pale yellow powder Cumpre
Perda ao secar Not more than 10% 3.47%
ε-Polylysine purity Not less than 98% 98.5%(HPLC)
Cinzas Not more than 5.5% 1.3%
Arsenic Not more than 5ppm(as AS) 0.40
Lead Not more than 10ppm

(as Pb)

Total plant count Not more than 10 cfu/g <10
Coliform bacteria Not more than 30 MPN/100g <30
Salmonela Negative in 25g Negativo
Result The Products have passed the analysis according to QB

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