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نام محصول: Alpha-cyclodextrin
Cas No: 10016-20-3
فرمول مولکولی: C36H60O30
وزن مولکولی: 972.84
ظاهر:پودر سفید

Alpha-Cyclodextrin (as known as called α-dextrin, α-cyclodextrin, α-CD, alphadextrin, alpha cyclodextrin). It is a series of cyclic oligosaccharides produced by amylose under the action of cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase produced by Bacillus.

Alpha-Cyclodextrin is produced by the action of cyclodextrin glucosyltransferase (CGTase, EC on hydrolysed starch syrups at neutral pH (6.0-7.0) and moderate temperature (35-40درجه سانتی گراد).

The annular (or doughnut-shaped) structure of alpha-cyclodextrin provides a hydrophobic cavity that allows formation of inclusion complexes with a variety of non-polar organic molecules of appropriate size.
The hydrophilic nature of the outer surface of the cyclic structure makes alpha-cyclodextrin water-soluble.

It is widely used in the drugs, food, flavor and cosmetics. Alpha-cyclodextrin is also widely used in the field of pesticide and adjusting the metabolization of the crop and increasing the quantity of the crop. Especially the cyclodextrin and its ramification which developed by these years, some of them are the important solutizer, stablizer, releaser or the assist materials of the Entericcoated drugs,some of them are the materials of organic synthetical macromolecular stuff.

موارد مشخصات نتیجه
ظاهر سفید, Minor Sweet, Odorless سفید, Minor Sweet, Odorless
سنجش ≥98٪ 99.4%
ضرر در خشک شدن ≤11% 9.8%
پس مانده های احتراق ≤0.1٪ 0.01
Reducing sugars ≤0.2٪ <0.2%
فلز سنگین ≤5 mg/kg <5 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم
رهبری ≤0.5 mg/kg <0.5 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم
چرخش ویژه +145°~+151° [α]20D +147درجه [α]20D
Total bacteria ≤1000 CFU/g <1000 CFU/g
Coliform group ≤40 MPN/100g <40 MPN/100g
Mould ≤25 CFU/g <25 CFU/g
مخمر ≤25 CFU/g <25 CFU/g
Pathogens 0/25g 0/25g

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

پست الکترونیک:

4 + 5 = ?

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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