Thymosin β4 is 'n alomteenwoordige, 43-aminosuur suur polipeptied met 'n molekulêre gewig van 4.9 kDa.Dit is hoogs behoue oor spesies, en word in alle weefsels en seltipes aangetref behalwe rooibloedselle. Thymosin β4 is 'n multifunksionele proteïen wat selmigrasie bevorder, stamselwerwing en differensiasie, protease produksie, en die uitdrukking van verskeie regulerende gene, such as laminin-332, fibronectin, zyxin, VEGF, matrix metalloproteases, hepatocyte growth factor, and antioxidative enzymes (Table 1). It inhibits inflammation, microbial growth, scar formation (by reducing the level of myofibroblasts), and apoptosis, and protects cells from cytotoxic damage, including glutamate neuronal toxicity.Thymosin β4 binds to G-actin, blocks actin polymerization, and is coreleased with factor XIIIa by platelets, suggesting its importance in wound healing.