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Фармацевтичні пептиди

» Пептиди » Фармацевтичні пептиди

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Назва продукту:Тетракозактид,Косинтропін,Тетракозактрін,скоротити
Чистота: 99%
Реєстраційний номер CAS: 16960-16-0
№ EINECS: 241-031-1
MF: C136H210N40O31S
МВт: 2933.47
Точка плавлення: 2 ° C
Точка кипіння: 225° C
Показник заломлення: 1.551-1.553
Зовнішній вигляд: Білий порошок
Оцінка: Фармацевтичний клас
Зберігання: Розтушовування, обмежене збереження
Використання: Косинтропін (кортрозин) є синтетичним похідним адренокортикотропного гормону (АКТГ) який використовується в тесті на стимуляцію АКТГ для оцінки та діагностики розладів кортизолу.

Тетракозактид (also known as Cosyntropin) is a synthetic peptide that is identical to the 24-amino acid segment (sequence: SYSMEHFRWGKPVGKKRRPVKVYP) at the N-terminal of adrenocorticotropic hormone. АКТГ (1-24), a segment similar in all species, contains the biological activity that stimulates production of corticosteroids in the adrenal cortex. Tetracosactide exhibits the same activity as natural ACTH with regard to all its biological activities. The complex results in a product whose absorption in man is effected over a longer period of time as compared to corticotropin. Therefore, therapy may be maintained with less frequent administration.

Cosyntropin exhibits the full corticosteroidogenic activity of natural ACTH. Various studies have shown that the biologic activity of ACTH resides in the N- terminal portion of the molecule and that the 1-20 amino acid residue is the minimal sequence retaining full activity. Partial or complete loss of activity is noted with progressive shortening of the chain beyond 20 amino acid residue. Наприклад, the decrement from 20 до 19 results in a 70% loss of potency. The pharmacologic profile of Cosyntropin is similar to that of purified natural ACTH. It has been established that 0.25 mg of Cosyntropin will stimulate the adrenal cortex maximally and to the same extent as 25 units of natural ACTH. Cosyntropin has less immunogenic activity than ACTH because the amino acid sequence having most of the antigenic activity of ACTH, тобто, амінокислоти 25-39, is not present in cosyntropin. The extra-adrenal effects which natural ACTH and Cosyntropin have in common include increased melanotropic activity, increased growth hormone secretion and an adipokinetic effect. These are considered to be without physiological or clinical significance.

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