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  • استفاده از محصول
نام محصول: Noopept
CAS NO: 157115-85-0
ظاهر: پودر سفید
سنجش: 99%
فرمول مولکولی: C17h22n2o4
ذخیره سازی: در مکان های خنک و خشک نگهداری شود, keep away from strong light.
ماندگاری: 2 years when properly stored

Noopept (GVS-111) is a medication promoted and prescribed in Russia and neighbouring countries as a nootropic.IC50 Value:Target: in vitro: Nooglutil exhibits pharmacologically significant competition with a selective agonist of AMPA receptors ([G-3H]Ro 48-8587) for the receptor binding sites (with IC50 = 6.4 +/- 0.2 microM), while the competition of noopept for these receptor binding sites was lower by an order of magnitude (IC50 = 80 +/- 5.6 microM) . GVS-111 significantly increased neuronal survival after H(2)O(2)-treatment displaying a dose-dependent neuroprotective activity from 10 nM to 100 microM, and an IC(50) value of 1.21+/-0.07 microM. GVS-111 inhibited the accumulation of intracellular free radicals and lipid peroxidation damage in neurons treated with H(2)O(2) or FeSO(4), suggesting an antioxidant mechanism of action .in vivo: N-Phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester (GVS-111) administered intravenously at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg/day, for the first time 1 h after ischaemic lesion and then for 9 post-operative days, with the last administration 15 min before testing, attenuated the deficit. GVS-111 itself was not found in rat brain 1 h after 5 mg/kg i.p. administration up to limit of detection (LOD) under high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) conditions. The most pronounced antiinflammatory effect of dipeptide was observed on the model of adjuvant arthritis in rats, where the drug administered over 25 days in a daily dose of 0.5 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم (i.m.) یا 5 میلی گرم بر کیلوگرم (p.o.) significantly reduced the chronic immune inflammation (on the 12th day, by 94.0 و 74.1%, respectively) .Toxicity: Noopept administered in this dose range induced no irreversible pathologic changes in the organs and systems studied and exhibited no allergenic, immunotoxic, and mutagen activity . Clinical trial: Discontinued

1. Noopept can increase coordination;
2. Noopept can improve mood;
3. Noopept can help fight fatigue;
4. Noopept can prevents oxidation within the brain;
5. Noopept can treat alcohol related brain damage;
6. Noopept can prevent withdrawal symptoms.

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3 + 3 = ?

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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