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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

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Ім'я Гідрохлортіазид
Молекулярна формула C7H8ClN3O4S2
Молекулярна маса 297.74
Реєстраційний номер CAS 58-93-5
Номер EINECS 200-403-3
Точка плавлення 273 °C
Точка кипіння 577.0±60,0 °C
Розчинність H2O : 722мг/л(25 C)
Щільність 1.2545 г/см3

Гідрохлортіазид, also known as dihydrochlorothiazide, dihydrokeuridazide, thiazide diuretics, has a medium effect diuretic effect. The active reabsorption of Cl- and passive absorption of Na+ were inhibited by acting on the cortical part of the ascending ramus of the loop of medullary. В додаток, this product also has antihypertensive effect and antidiuretic effect. It is suitable for all kinds of edema, especially for cardiogenic edema. It can also be used as antihypertensive drugs for the treatment of light and medium hypertension. It is also effective for diabetes insipidus and idiopathic hypercalcemia. Commonly used thiazide diuretics include hydrochlorothiazide, chlorothalidone,indapamide and so on.

It mainly inhibits the reabsorption of Na+ and Cl- at the proximal end of the distal convoluted tubule and increases the excretion of sodium chloride by the kidney, resulting in diuretic effect. It is a medium effect diuretic drug. This product has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which can be strengthened when used together with Li's medicinal paste, antihypertensive shen paste or Apocynum. This product also has antidiuretic effects and can be used to treat diabetes insipidus.

Number CAS Ім'я
1 103-90-2 Acetaminophen
2 51481-61-9 Cimetidine
3 124832-26-4 Valaciclovir
4 315-30-0 Allopurinol
5 22839-47-0 Aspartame
6 90045-36-6 Ginkgo biloba extract
7 73-31-4 Melatonine
8 8049-47-6 Pancreatin
9 70-55-3 p-Toluenesulfonamide
10 N/A Ox Gallbladder powde
11 555-30-6 Methyldopa
12 58-93-5 Гідрохлортіазид
13 76095-16-4 Enalapril maleate
14 69-72-7 Salicylic acid
15 126-07-8 (+)-Griseofulvin
16 73231-34-2 Florfenicol

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