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Farmasötik Peptitler

» peptitler » Farmasötik Peptitler

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CAS NUMARASI.: 38234-21-8
EINECS No.:636-807-5
Moleküler formül: C55H76N16O12
Moleküler ağırlık: 1153.29 g/mol
Saflık: 99%dk
Dış görünüş: Beyaz toz

Fertirelin is a synthetic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue, and it is a potent LHRH agonist. After a transient increase, continuous administration results in downregulation of LH and FSH levels followed by a suppression of ovarian and testicular steroid biosynthesis.

Fertirelin was administered at the beginning of the protocol followed 7 days later by 500 μ G cloprosterol. Two days later, a second dose of fertirelin was given and AI performed 16-19 h later regardless of the incidence of behavioral oestrus. The conception rate did not differ between the 50 μ G fertirelin group (61.1%; N = 72) and the 100 μ G group.

Mainly has a strong angiotensin II vasoconstriction and increase in blood pressure. The mechanism is: 1. So that the body arteriole smooth muscle contraction, increased peripheral resistance; 2. So increase the release of adrenal aldosterone, causing sodium retention, increased blood volume; 3. Directly contribute to renal tubular sodium and water reabsorption; 4. So the brain central nervous sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity, causing increased peripheral vascular resistance; 5. Stimulate the adrenal medulla to release epinephrine and norepinephrine.

Saflık (HPLC) 99.0%
Dış görünüş Beyaz toz
Tek Kirlilik(HPLC) 1.0%
Amino Asit Bileşimi 10% teorik
Peptit İçeriği(N%) 80%(%N ile)
Su içeriği(karl Fischer) 6.0%
Asetat İçeriği(HPIC) 15.0%
Kütle dengesi 95.0~105.0%

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