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Prohormon Steroidleri

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Ürün adı:4-androstendiol




milletvekili:155.5 °C

4-androstendiol, also known as androst-4-ene-3β,17β-diol, is an androstenediol that is converted to testosterone. The conversion rate is about 15.76%, almost triple that of 4-androstenedione, due to utilization of a different enzymatic pathway. There is also some conversion into estrogen, since testosterone is the metabolic precursor of the estrogens.

4-Androstenediol is closer to testosterone structurally than 5-androstenediol, and has androgenic effects, acting as a weak partial agonist of the androgen receptor.However, due to its lower intrinsic activity in comparison, in the presence of full agonists like testosterone or dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 4-androstenediol has antagonistic actions, behaving more like an antiandrogen.

4-Androstenediol is very weakly estrogenic. It has approximately 0.5% and 0.6% of the affinity of estradiol at the ERα and ERβ, respectively.

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