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مکمل های اسید آمینه

» داروسازی » مکمل های اسید آمینه

  • مشخصات فنی
  • توضیحات محصول
  • استفاده از محصول
  • COA
نام محصول: Menadione
نامهای دیگر: Vitamin k3
CAS NO.: 58-27-5
م.ف.: C11H8O2
M.W.: 172.180

Vitamin K3 Supplement, also known as Menadione Nicotinamide Bisulfite, is a synthetic supplement that acts as a precursor for vitamin K2, the most useful form of vitamin K for the human body. Since Vitamin K3 Supplement does contain some vitamin K activity, Vitamin K3 Supplement is commonly placed in livestock feed and some pet food to increase nutrient content. The use of vitamin K3 supplements in most developed countries is banned due to its possible side effects, such as damage to internal organs like kidneys or liver. Research on Vitamin K3 Supplement has shown that it has some effect in combating certain types of cancer,yet research in regards to human safety remains inconclusive.

(1) درجه غذایی: Bleach agent (e.g. candies, cake, bamboo shoots, و غیره); Loose agent (e.g. bread, cracker etc); Antiseptic and germicide (e.g. fruit juice, tinned food, brews, the cereals food is defended storage etc);Inhibitor and freshen agent (e.g. day lily, seafood, fruit and vegetable etc).

(2) Industry Grade: Mordant of printing and dyeing; Dechlorinate of textile after bleaching; Sulphonated agent and reducer of chemical industry and pharmacy; Bleach of paper pulp, bamboo and timber bleach of Stap; Treatment agent of waste water; Rubber solidifying agent Perfume industry is served as hydro carbon perfume aldehyde The hide profession employ to do to molt dose and pliable dose and wearproof dose; sewage treatment, and so on .

(3) درجه دارویی: In chemical synthesis in the production of acrylic fibre, vitamin K, vitamin A,pharmaceutical intermediates, و غیره.

Testing Item استاندارد نتیجه
ظاهر White powder or similar-white crystalline powder پودر کریستالی سفید
بو Slight olid or slight pungent slight pungent
(C11H8O2•NaHSO3•3H2O)/% ≥96.0% 97.0%
Menadione/% ≥50.0% 50.57%
H2O/% ≤13.0٪ 9.88%
Water solubility w/v ≥2.0% مطابقت دارد
فلزات سنگین (سرب) ≤20ppm <20ppm
مانند ≤0.0005% <0.0005%
NaHSO3 ≤10% 3.38%
Fluidity Good مطابقت دارد
اندازه ذرات 100% pass through 40mesh مطابقت دارد

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

پست الکترونیک:

2 + 7 = ?

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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