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Suplementy aminokwasowe

» Farmaceutyki » Suplementy aminokwasowe

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Nazwa produktu: Vitamin D3
Inna nazwa cholecalciferol
CAS: 67-97-0
MF: C27H44O
MW: 384.64
Czystość: 99% Min`23
Okres przydatności do spożycia 2 lata
Wygląd zewnętrzny White or light yellow crystalline powder
Standard: USP EP JP etc.

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is a type of vitamin D.Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble, nierozpuszczalne w wodzie, and can only be dissolved in fat or fat solvents. It can withstand high temperature and oxidation in neutral and alkaline solutions.Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is mainly synthesized by the human body. The skin of the human body contains a kind of cholesterol, which becomes vitamin D3 after exposure to sunlight. Dodatkowo, vitamin D3 can also be derived from animal foods, such as livers, especially cod liver oil extracted from fish livers of marine products.

1. Vitamin drugs, mainly promote the absorption and deposition of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine, for the treatment of rickets and osteomalacia.
2. Vitamin D3 can maintain the normal metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, and promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Children are prone to rickets when they are deficient.
3. Vitamin D3 can maintain the normal metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
4. Vitamin D3 as a nutritional supplement can be used in liquid milk, margarine, dairy products and infant food.

Testing Item Standard Wynik
Vitamin D3 Content ≥500,000IU/g 506,800IU/g
Wygląd zewnętrzny White or almost white crystals Zgodne
Identyfikacja EP/USP Pozytywny
Specific optical rotation +105.0°- +112.0° +109.6°
Loss on drying 5.0% maks 4.1%
Jak 1ppm maks 0.1ppm
Metale ciężkie(pb) 20ppm maks 3ppm
Granularity (1)100%go through the sieve of 0.85mm

(US standard mesh sieve No.20)

(2)More than 85% go through the sieve of 0.425mm (US standard mesh sieve No.40)

(1) 100%

(2) 97.6%

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