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» Arzneimittel » Aminosäure-Ergänzungen

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Product Name Vitamin B6 pyridoxine hcl powder
Synonyms BIOEPIDERM; BIOS H; VB6; (5-hydroxy-4,6-dimethylpyridin-3-yl)methyl phosphate
Molecular Formula C8H10NO5P
Molekulargewicht 231.1436
CAS-Registrierungsnummer 8059-24-3
EINECS 232-503-8
Geruch: No special odor;
Löslichkeit: Easily dispersible in cold water 15ºC to form a homogeneous and stable emulsion;
Particle size: 90% through 60 mesh sieves
Reinheit (HPLC) >99.0%

Vitamin B6 is also known as vitamin pigment, such as pyridoxine, pyridoxal and pyridoxamine in the body in the form of phosphate, is a water-soluble vitamin, except light or base easily damaged, not resistant to high temperatures.

Vitamin B6 can treat a variety of ills caused by lack of VB6, such as skin, Seborrhea Dermatitis, and skin diseases.

Pyridoxamine is one form of vitamin B6. Chemically it is based on a pyri,dine ring structure, with hydroxyl, Methyl, aminomethyl, and hydroxymethyl substituents. It differs from pyridoxine by the substituent at the 4-position. The phe,ol at position 3 and aminomethyl group at position 4 of its ring endow pyridoxamine with a variety of chemical properties, including the scavenging of free radical species and carbonyl species formed in sugar and lipid degradation and chelation of metal ions that catalyze Amadori reactions.

(1) Treatment of congenital hyofunction of metabolism;
(2) Prevent and treat vitamin B6 deficiency;
(3) Supplement to patients who need to consume more vitamin B6

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