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Име на продукта
Riboflavin/Vitamin B2
Друго име
Външен вид
Yellow powder
Метод на тестване
° С17з20н4О6
Keep in cool & сухо място, stay away from strong light and heat

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a kind of B vitamins. It is slightly soluble in water and stable when heated in neutral or acidic solution. It is a component of flavase like auxillary group in the body (flavase plays a hydrogen transfer role in biological oxidation and reduction). When lacking, it will affect the biological oxidation of the body and cause the metabolic disorder. Its pathological changes are mainly manifested as inflammation of the mouth, eyes and external genitalia, such as angular stomatitis, cheilitis, glossitis, conjunctivitis and scrotal inflammation. Следователно, this product can be used for the prevention and treatment of the above diseases. The storage of vitamin B2 in the body is very limited, so it is provided by the diet every day. Two properties of vitamin B2 are the main reasons for its loss: (1) it can be destroyed by light; (2) it can be destroyed by heating in alkaline solution.

1. Vitamin B2 can accelerate the growth and regeneration of cells.
2. Vitamin B2 can accelerate the growth of the skin, nails, the hair.
3. Vitamin B2 helps eliminate the inflammation of the mouth, lips and tongue.
4. Vitamin B2 can enhance the eyesight and reduce fatigue of the eye.
5. Vitamin B2 interaction with other materials can help the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat
and protein.

Описание A white or almost white crystalline powder
Идентификация б: IR absorption; д: Reaction(а)of chlorides
Точка на топене относно 205 0 ° С
Загуба при сушене ≤0,5%
Остатък при запалване ≤0,1%
Acidity PH 2.4--3.0
Тежки метали ≤20PPM
Анализ: Contain CSH,NO: HCL
Calculated on the dried basis
Residual solvent-ethanol ≤0,5%
Chloride content 16.9-17.6%
Appearance of solution Clear, Not more intense than Y7
Сродни вещества
Impurity B <0.15%
Unspecified impurities <0.10%
Общи примеси. <0.20%
Разтворимост Freely solublen water,слабо разтворим в алкохол(96%)

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