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Suplementy aminokwasowe

» Farmaceutyki » Suplementy aminokwasowe

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Vitamin B13 Orotic acid
CAS: 65-86-1
MF: C5H4N2O4
MW: 156.1
EINECS: 200-619-8
Chemical Properties white crystalline powder
Usage hepatoprotectant, uricosuric agent
General Description White crystals or crystalline powder.

Orotic acid, also known as vitamin B13, is a nutrient. In the field of medicine, orotic acid and its derivatives are effective in treating icteric hepatitis, fatty liver, and acute and chronic hepatitis. As a nutritional cosmetic base, it can be well absorbed by the skin, promote cell metabolism, and obviously inhibit skin aging. Orotic acid has applications in the fields of food and life sciences.

The main function of orotic acid is to metabolize folic acid together with vitamin B12. The rich orotic acid helps to replace vitamin B12, although it cannot be completely replaced, but it can reduce the damage of vitamin B12 deficiency. This acid is also used in cosmetics, medicines, and animal feeding supplements. It is also widely used in bodybuilding competitions in various Chemicalbooks around the world because it can increase the secretion of adenosine triphosphate (the main energy source of the body). Orotic acid does this by acting as an initial form of pyrophosphate and then being used in pyrimidine synthesis. The more pyrophosphate in the body, the more adenosine triphosphate can be produced.

Przedmiot Standard Wynik
Wygląd zewnętrzny Biały krystaliczny proszek Biały krystaliczny proszek
ciężki metal less than20ppm Zgodny
Siarczan less than0.10% Zgodny
Pozostałości po zapłonie less than0.10% 0.03%
Molysite less than20ppm Zgodny
Woda less than 12.00% 10.46%
Analiza nad 99.00% 99.76%

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