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پپتیدهای دارویی

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نام محصول:وازوپرسین استات

نام دیگر:adh(هورمون);لیهورمون;چاله;پیتویترین;تونفین;وازوفیسین;1-[19-آمینو-13-بوتان-2-ایل-10-(2-کربامویل اتیل)-7-(کربامویل متیل)-16-[(4-هیدروکسی فنیل)متیل]-6,9,12,15,18-Chemicalbookpentaoxo-1,2-dithia-5,8,11,14,17-pentazacycloicosane-4-carbonyl]-N-[1-(کاربامویل متیل کاربامویل)-4-(دیامین متیلیدین آمینو)بوتیل]پیرولیدین-2-کربوکسامید;VASOPRESSINACETATE





Vasopressin Acetate shortens or normalizes excessive bleeding time during clinically invasive treatments or diagnostic procedures, or causes excessive bleeding time due to uremia, cirrhosis, congenital or drug-induced platelet dysfunction, and unknown etiology The patient's blood phenomenon was controlled. This product can be used for the control or prevention of bleeding in patients with mild hemophilia A and patients with von Willebrand disease who have a positive reaction to the test dose during minor surgery. In special cases, it can even be used to treat and prevent moderately ill patients. Diabetes insipidus: 20-40ug/d for adults; 10-20ug/d for children, divided into 1-3 doses. Enuresis: 10~40ug/d, before going to bed. Renal concentration function test: 40ug for adults, 10-20ug for children over 1 year old. Therapeutic control of bleeding or prevention of bleeding before surgery: intravenous injection of 0.3ug/kg.

1. For the treatment of central diabetes insipidus.
2. For the initial treatment of polyuria after brain surgery or head trauma.
3. Used for abdominal muscle relaxation where other drugs are not effective.

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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