Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Meno Produktu:kyselina usnová / Usniacin
CAS č.:125-46-2 / 7562-61-0
Molekulový vzorec:C18H16O7
Molekulová hmotnosť:344.32

Usnic acid is extracted from Usnea, It is a kind of organic acid. In natural remedies, especially in the veterinary medicine, Usnic Acid is used in powders and ointments for the treatment of infections of the skin. This is because of its antibiotic properties, particularly against Gram-positive bacteria such as M. Tuberculosis as well as some pathogenic fungi. Usnic acid as a pure substance has been formulated in creams, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorants and sunscreen products, in some cases as an active principle, in others as a preservative.

1. Preparations containing this product have obvious therapeutic effects on cancer patients. Clinically, it has a certain curative effect against malaria. It has a certain effect on trauma, burns and skin diseases, cervical inflammation, cleft nipples, and prevention of perineal rupture. Navyše, it can also be used as a raw material for the antibiotic "Pibu".

2. It is used for hemostasis, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, preventing dental caries. It can also remove dental plaque, enhance human immunity, and has a good effect on oral ulcers and vaginitis. Usually used as an additive in toothpaste and cosmetics.

3. Usnic acid is a cosmetic additive approved by CTFA. It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic and has a strong inhibitory effect on most gram-positive bacteria. The concentration of 50 μg.ml-1 can completely inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is used in cosmetics. Used as a high-efficiency preservative. It has a selective inhibitory effect on Streptococcus, the main bacteria causing oral diseases and dental caries. Usnic acid has curative effects on various skin diseases such as burns, infections, and psoriasis.

Analysis Špecifikácia Výsledok
Vzhľad yellow crystalline substance Vyhovuje
Zápach Characteristics Vyhovuje
Skúška (HPLC) Usnic Acid≥ 98% 98.20%
Sieve Analysis 100% prejsť 80 Mesh Vyhovuje
Strata sušením ≤ 1,0 % 0.52%
Ash ≤ 1,0 % 0.61%
Heavy Metal <10ppm Vyhovuje
Ako ≤2ppm Vyhovuje
Reziduálne rozpúšťadlá Eur. Pharm. Vyhovuje
Total Plane Count <1,000cfu/g Vyhovuje
Kvasnice & Moulds <100cfu/g Vyhovuje
E. Coli Negatívne Vyhovuje
Salmonella Negatívne Vyhovuje

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