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Косметичні пептиди

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Назва INCI :Tripeptide-3,AHK Peptide
CAS №: 126828-32-8
Послідовність: H-Ala-His-Lys-OH
Молекулярна формула: C15H26N6O4
МВт: 354.41
Зовнішній вигляд:білий порошок
Зберігання:2-8degree, store in dry and cool place
застосування: make the skin tighter and reduce the aging speed

Одна домішка(ВЕРХ): ≤1,0%
Вміст ацетату(ВЕРХ): 5.0%~12.0%
Вміст води (Карл Фішер): ≤10,0%

Tripeptide-3 specifically stimulates skin cell renewal through the regeneration of more collagen. It has good anti-aging and anti-wrinkle effects.Tripeptide-3 tests have shown it to be effective in hair growth, healing wounds and wound regeneration. Further studies have discovered it to have the capability to tighten skin and improve skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles.

According to relevant research, AHK can promote the recovery of skin tissue, reshape the biochemical function of skin, inhibit the carboxylation of collagen, make the skin tighter and reduce the aging speed. AHK produced by GoTop bio company has quality assurance and purity of over 98%.


AHK 126828-32-8 H-Ala-His-Lys-OH
GHK 72957-37-0 H-Gly-His-Lys-OH
(GHK)2Cu 49557-75-7 (Gly-His-Lys)2Cu
(AHK)2Cu (Ala-His-Lys)2Cu
(AHK)Cu (Ala-His-Lys)Cu

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