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Kosmetische Peptide

» Peptide » Kosmetische Peptide

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Produktname Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide-2
CAS-NR. 64577-63-5
Aussehen Weißes Puder
Reinheit 99%
Siedepunkt 755.4±60 °C
Dichte 1.299±0.06 g/cm3
Acidity Coefficient (pKa) 3.32±0.10
Anwendung Cosmetic Peptide
Verwendungszweck Trifluoroacetyl tripeptide-2 is an active tripeptide derived from elastase inhibitors. It can reduce the synthesis of premature aging protein, improve skin sagging, sagging and wrinkles caused by it, and improve skin firmness and elasticity. Improve facial contours.

Trifluoroacetyltripeptide-2 (trifluoroacetyltripeptide-2) is an active tripeptide derived from elastase inhibitor. It can reduce the synthesis of premature aging protein, improve the skin relaxation, sagging and wrinkles caused by it, improve the skin firmness, elasticity and improve the facial contour. security information

Trifluoroacetyl Tripeptide-2 reduces progerin synthesis, MMP and elastase inhibitor, increases syndecan, contracts collagen to reduce signs of aging including sagging and wrinkles.

Item Spezifikation Ergebnis Test Methods
Aussehen weißes Puder Entspricht Organoleptic
Geruch & taste Charakteristisch Entspricht Organoleptic
Mesh size Through 80 mesh Entspricht 80 mesh screen
Probe ≥98,0 % 99.23%(HPLC) HPLC
Loss on Drying ≤5.00% 3.85% Drying Method
Ash ≤5.00% 3.29% Ashing Method
Total Heavy Metals ≤10ppm Entspricht
Arsenic ≤1ppm Entspricht GF AAS
Lead ≤2ppm Entspricht AFS
Cadmium ≤1ppm Entspricht AFS
Hygrargyrum ≤0.1ppm Entspricht AFS
Residual Solvent Meet the requirements Entspricht SOP/SA/SOP/SUM/304
Pesticide Residue Meet the requirements Nicht erkannt SOP/SA/SOP/SUM/304
Microbiological Tests
Total Plate Count ≤5000cfu/g Entspricht Bacterial culture
Total Yeast & Mold ≤100cfu/g Entspricht Bacterial culture
E.Coli Negative Entspricht Bacterial culture
Salmonella Negative Entspricht Bacterial culture
Staphylococcus Negative Entspricht Bacterial culture

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