Trestolondekanoat je zmerno androgen,trestolon dekanoat je pravzaprav le priljubljen steroid pri moških. Ko ga uporabljajo ženske, močni simptomi virilizacije so seveda možen rezultat. Nekateri kljub temu eksperimentirajo z njim, in poiščite nizke odmerke (5mg) tega steroida izjemno močan za rast novih mišic.
Whenever taken, trestolone decanoate will produce exceptional mass and strength gains. It’s effectiveness is often compared to other strong steroids like testosterone and Anadrol 50, and it is likewise a popular choice for bulking purposes. A daily dosage of 20-40mg is enough to give almost anybody dramatic results.
Some do venture much higher in dosage, but this practice usually leads to a more profound incidence of side effects. It additionally combines well with a number of other steroids. It is noted to mix particularly well with the mild anabolic Deca-Durabolin.
Trestolone decanoate is intended for research purposes only and, is not to be used for any other purposes, including but not limited to, in vitro diagnostic purposes, in foods, drugs, medical devices, or cosmetics for humans or animals or for commercial purposes. This product has not been tested for safety and efficacy in food, drug, and medical device, kozmetični, commercial or any other use. Under no circumstances should this product be used as or be considered to be foods, drugs, medical devices or cosmetics. Trestolone decanoate is intended for laboratory/hobbyist research use only. There are risks involved with consumption or distribution of this product.
Trestolone decanoate is NOT intended to use as food additives,drugs, cosmetics, household chemicals or other inappropriate applications. The listing, purchase and/or distribution of this material does not constitute a license to its use in infringement of any patent. Trestolone decanoate should be handled only by qualified and properly trained professionals.