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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

  • Технічні характеристики
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Назва продукту Tolnaftate
CAS 2398-96-1
МВт 307.41
Оцінка Медицина класу
Зовнішній вигляд White or Yellowish Powder
Точка плавлення 110.5-111.5 дек.

Tolnaftate is a synthetic thiocarbamate used as an anti-fungal agent that may be sold without medical prescription in most jurisdictions. It is supplied as a cream, порошок, spray, and liquid aerosol. Tolnaftate is used to treat fungal conditions such as jock itch, athlete's foot and ringworm.

Although the exact mechanism of action is not entirely known, it is believed to inhibit squalene epoxidase,an important enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of ergosterol (a key component of the fungal membrane) in a similar way to allylamines.

Tolnaftate has been found to be generally slightly less effective than azoles when used to treat tinea pedis (athlete's foot). It is, проте, useful when dealing with ringworm, especially when passed from pets to humans.

Tolnaftate has been found to be generally slightly less effective than azoles when used to treat tinea pedis (athlete's foot). Tolnaftate is, проте, useful when dealing with ringworm, especially when passed from pets to humans.

Tolnaftate topical is used to treat skin infections such as athlete's foot, jock itch, and ringworm infections. Tolnaftate is also used, along with other antifungals, to treat infections of the nails, scalp, palms, and soles of the feet.

Предмети Технічні характеристики Result
опис A white crystalline powder ,odorless Відповідає
Ідентифікація (infrared absorption ) Позитивний Позитивний
аналіз(on the dried basis): 99.4% 98.5%~101.5%
Залишок при розпалюванні 0.06% NMT 0.3%
Chloride <0.010% NMT0.05%
Sulfate <0.010% NMT0.03%
Iron <10ppm NMT30ppm
Важкі метали <8ppm NMT15ppm
Related compounds <0.5% NMT0.5%
Втрати при висиханні 0.08% NMT0.3%
Загальна кількість пластин 50/g NMT1000/g
цвіль <10/g NMT100/g
Дріжджі <10/g NMT 100/g
E.Coli Not found Negative /10g
Сальмонела Not found Negative /25g
Staphylococcus aureus Negative /10g Negative /10g
Висновок Comply with USP36

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