Thymogen is effective immunomodulator that normalizes the functions of the immune system. Strengthens weakened immunity and reduces an inadequately high immune response. After a century and a half, peptide bioregulators have taken their place among medicines used in the treatment of a wide range of human diseases. Among them are peptide thymomimetics - drugs that have the properties of the thymus hormone and at the same time are not its fragments.
Thimogen is the product of joint research by scientists from Moscow and Leningrad under the leadership of Corresponding Member RAS of V. Kh. Khavinson, obtained in the late 1980s, and since 1990, the peptide has been introduced into medical practice. In all dosage forms, Thymogen is used as an immunomodulatory agent for a wide range of purposes, which includes the prevention and treatment of viral and bacterial diseases of the upper respiratory tract, various infectious and inflammatory diseases, immunodeficiency conditions, including the consequences of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, suppression of regeneration and hematopoiesis, тощо
The effect of the drug is due to its ability to modulate humoral and cellular immunity, enhance the processes of regeneration and cellular metabolism of the body. В додаток, Thymogen increases the level of expression of lymphocyte differentiation receptors, normalizes the concentration and ratio of T-lymphocytes (CD3 +, CD4 + and CD8 +), stimulates the production of immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, IgE and IgM.