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Aktywne Farmaceutyki

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Nazwa produktu Tetramisole Hydrochloride
Formuła molekularna
Waga molekularna  


Klasa standardowa Klasa lekarska

Tetramisole was originally used as an anthelminthic to treat worm infestations in both humans and animals. Most current commercial preparations are intended for veterinary use as a dewormer in cattle, pigs, and sheep.

Jednakże, tetramisole has also recently gained prominence among aquarists as an effective treatment for Camallanus roundworm infestations in freshwater tropical fish. It is a broad-spectrum anthelminthics, used to control roundworm and hoodworm.

For the prevention and treatment of the hookworm, ascaris, pinworm, whipworm, dung class round worms and other intestinal parasitic disease.

1.For the adjuvant treatment for after surgery of lung cancer, breast cancer or acute leukemia, malignant lymphoma chemotherapy.

2.Can also be used for autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, and upper respiratory tract infection, Pediatric respiratory infections, hepatitis, bacillary dysentery, sore and furuncle, abscess, and so on.

3.The curative effect is distinct in the near future for obstinate bronchial asthma.

4. Used to kill roundworm, hookworm.

Przedmiotów Standard Wyniki
Identyfikacja specific optical rotation Wykwalifikowany
Gives reaction of chlorides
Solution S Spełnia wymagania Wykwalifikowany
PH:3.0~4.5 4.1
Specyficzna rotacja optyczna:-121°~-128°
Strata przy suszeniu ≤0,5% 0.1%
Pozostałości po zapłonie: ≤0,1% 0.03%
Substancje pokrewne Each of impurities A,B,C,D ≤0.2% A: 0.02%, B: 0.01%,
C: 0.09%, D: 0.00%
Any other impurity≤0.1%
Total impurities≤0.3%
Metale ciężkie ≤0.002% <0.002%
Microbial limit Bacteria ≤1000 per gram Wykwalifikowany
Pleśń&yeast ≤100 per gram
Escherichia Coli : NIE
Analiza 98.5%~101.0% 100.1%
Magazynowanie Should be protected from light protected from light
CONCLUSION The product complies to the standard of BP2011, EP7.0

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