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Стероїди тестостерону

» Стероїди Raw » Стероїди тестостерону

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  • COA

Номер CAS: 5721-91-5
Формула: C29H46O3
Молярна маса: 442.68 г/моль
Підходить для: Дорослий
Чистота: >99%
Зовнішній вигляд: White or White-off Crystalline Powder
State: Твердий

Testosterone Isocaproate is a hormone produced predominantly in the testes of males. It is the hormone responsible in giving males their specific sexual traits. Transdermal testosterone mimics the body’s natural rhythmic release of testosterone through a time-release patch. Testosterone Isocaproate got its introduction to the steroid world by appearing in both Omnadren as well as Sustanon 250, the two most popular testosterone blends currently on the market. Along with Anadur, Deca-Durabolin, and Durabolin, this is an-other steroid containing the substance nandrolone. Testosterone Isocaproate is a favorite among athletes since it brings good results with few side effects.

Testosterone decanoate is commonly used in intramuscular injection solution, the oil absorption is slow, function is strong and durable, can maintain time for just a few days. Testosterone propionate can promote the development of male organs and secondary sex characteristic, promote protein synthesis and bone formation, estrogen, inhibit the growth of endometrium and ovary and pituitary function. Used for testosterone, cryptorchidism, male hypogonadism, gynecological diseases, such as menorrhagia, uterine fibroids, senile osteoporosis and aplastic anemia.


Analysis Standard





Heavy Metals

20PPm max


Питома ротація



Free Decanoic acid



Loss On Drying



Related Substances

1.0% макс






Be Conform With Enterprise Standard

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