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Farmasøytiske peptider

» Peptider » Farmasøytiske peptider

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Taitropin [rDNA origin] is a Human Growth Hormone (hGH) Somatropin ,produced with recombinant DNA technology identical to the body naturally produced HGH. Taitropin is a Chinese brand of human growth hormone. It’s a proper 191 amino acid sequence somatropin. Each kit contains 10 vials of 10IU (3.3 mg) of recombinant human growth hormone in a freeze dried (lyophilized) state.Taitropin is the brand name for synthetically created human,getropin is one of the best somatropin HGH on the market .

Athletes using growth hormone primarily for building muscle and increasing strength. Different organs of the body can fight aging, elimination of sub-health status, providing the body the energy of youth organ recovery chain, to improve the sensitivity of peripheral and central nervous system cell viability, inhibit the body’s organs aging.Substantial increase in bone density,Improved vision, cholesterol & blood pressure.Yellowish or white loose powder, when dissolved with water for injection, the reconstituted solution should be clear, transparent and has no insoluble substance visible to naked eyes..

Fat burning effect of HGH is caused by increase in free fatty acids (FFA) level and higher availability of fat as source of energy. Exactly potency to induce fat using for energy explains phenomenon of loosing fat without diet restriction. Lipolysis is the direct effect of HGH, because IGF-1 doesn’t increase FFA and even little reduces this level because of binding to insulin receptors.

Third HGH bodybuilding benefit is joints and ligaments repair. Growth hormone and IGF-1 stimulate synthesis of collagen – protein which constitutes the major mass of joints, bones and ligaments.

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