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Pharmazeutische Peptide

» Peptide » Pharmazeutische Peptide

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Produktname Semax
CAS-Nr. 80714-61-0
Andere Namen Semax Acetate,PRO-GLY-PRO,ACTH (4-7),Met-Glu-His-Phe-Pro-Gly-Pro
Molekularformel C37H51N9O10S
Molekulargewicht 831.92
Grade-Standard Medizingrad

Semax is a nootropic stimulant of the central nervous system. It has a wide range of actions: it boosts neuroplasticity and increases glutamatergic and cholinergic activity thus improving memory, focus, mental and physical performance; it helps to recover after ischemic stroke and other head traumas; it increases dopamine and serotonin levels and as a result reducing depression, anxiety and sleep disorders; it is also possible to use Semax to prevent signs of Alzheimer’s and other degenerative cognitive disorders due to aging.

Semax is a heptapeptide, synthetic analog of an ACTH(4-10) fragment of adrenocorticotropic hormone. It has a wide spectrum of actions, and at the same time, lacks hormonal activity and side effects. As a nootropic, Semax improves the processes associated with memory formation and learning. As an anxiolytic, Semax increases the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain thus achieving a balanced and stable mood. As a neuroprotector, Semax helps to reduce damaged cells caused by oxidative stress, provides positive effect on cerebral blood flow, increases resistance to hypoxia, prevents and reduces brain damage caused by stroke. As a neurotropic Semax stimulates the growth and survival of developing neurons as well as maintenance of mature neurons thus increasing the expression of neurotrophins in messenger RNA (Ribonucleic acid) and protein levels. Semax has curative properties against glaucoma optic neuropathy, optic nerve atrophy and diabetic neuropathy, as well as peptic ulcer.

(1) Semax is considered to be an excellent aphrodisiac all over the world.

(2) Semax can also improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, prevent heart attacks, and help exercise muscles.

(3) Semax can reduce fat synthesis and is a good antidepressant.

(4) Recent studies have shown that this may be effective in the treatment of male impotence, especially impotence associated with diabetes.

For nootropic purposes, a dose 0.25-1mg per day would seem suitable. A single dose is sufficient for the entire day and possibly beyond. Intranasal or Sub-Q administration are the only accepted ways of administering Semax. Do not consume by mouth or sublingually as Semax will be rendered inactive.

Lyophilised Semax will require reconstitution with sterile water before being suitable for injection or intranasal administration.

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