Fabricant chinois de poudre de stéroïdes anabolisants
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Produits pharmaceutiques actifs

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Nom du produit:Propylène glycol

Autre nom:1,2-Propylène glycol




1,2-Propylene glycol is an important raw material for unsaturated polyesters, epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, plasticizers, and surfactants. The amount in this area accounts for about 45% of the total consumption of propylene glycol. This unsaturated polyester It is widely used in surface coatings and reinforced plastics.

1,2-Propanediol has good viscosity and hygroscopicity, and is widely used as a moisture absorbent, antifreeze, lubricant and solvent in the food, medicine and cosmetic industries. In the food industry

1,2-propylene glycol and fatty acids react to produce propylene glycol fatty acid esters, which are mainly used as food emulsifiers; 1,2-propylene glycol is an excellent solvent for seasonings and pigments. Because of its low toxicity, it is used as a solvent for spices and food coloring in the food industry.

1,2-Propanediol is commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry as a solvent, softener and excipient for the manufacture of various ointments and ointments, and as a solvent for blending agents, preservatives, ointments, vitamins, penicillins, etc. in the pharmaceutical industry . Because propylene glycol has good miscibility with various fragrances, it is also used as a solvent and softener for cosmetics.

1,2-Propanediol is also used as a tobacco moisturizer, antifungal agent, food processing equipment lubricating oil and food marking ink solvent. An aqueous solution of 1,2-propanediol is an effective antifreeze. It is also used as a tobacco wetting agent, antifungal agent, fruit ripening preservative, antifreeze and heat carrier.

Articles Unit spécification Résultat
Apparence - Colorless clear viscous liquid Colorless clear viscous liquid
Essai % 99.8%min 99.89
Chloride Weight% 0.007%maximum <0.007
Sulfate Weight% 0.006maximum <0.006
Specific Gravity 25C 1.035-1.037 1.0355
Acidité(0.1N NaOH) ML 0.05MAX 0.02

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