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Sterydy dla kobiet

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Nazwa produktu Progesterone
Nr CAS. 57-83-0
MF C21H30O2
MW 314.46
Numer EINECS. 200-350-6
Gęstość d23 1.166; d20 1.171
Temperatura wrzenia 394.13°C (Przybliżony szacunek)
Temperatura topnienia 128-132 °C (oświetlony.)

Progesterone is a female Progesterone Hormones important for the regulation of ovulation and menstruation.Women take progesterone by mouth for inducing menstrual periods who have not yet reached menopause but are not having periods due to a lack of progesterone in the body; And treating abnormal uterine bleeding associated with hormonal imbalance, and severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Progesterone is also used to prevent overgrowth in the lining of the uterus in postmenopausal women who are receiving estrogen hormone replacement therapy. Progesterone is also used in combination with the hormone estrogen to "oppose estrogen" as part of hormone replacement therapy. If estrogen is given without progesterone, estrogen increases the risk of uterine cancer.

The use of progesterone and its analogues have many medical applications, both to address acute situations and to address the long-term decline of natural progesterone levels. Because of the poor bioavailability of progesterone when taken orally, many synthetic progestins have been designed with improved oral bioavailability and have been used long before progesterone formulations became available.

Progesterone is a female Progesterone Hormones important for the regulation of ovulation and menstruation.

Women take progesterone by mouth for inducing menstrual periods who have not yet reached menopause but are not having periods due to a lack of progesterone in the body; and treating abnormal uterine bleeding associated with hormonal imbalance, and severe symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). progesterone is also used to prevent overgrowth in the lining of the uterus in postmenopausal women who are receiving estrogen hormone replacement therapy.

Progesterone is also used in combination with the hormone estrogen to "oppose estrogen" as part of hormone replacement therapy. If estrogen is given without progesterone, estrogen increases the risk of uterine cancer.

Przedmioty testowe Specyfikacja Wyniki testu
Opis Biały krystaliczny proszek Biały krystaliczny proszek
Identyfikacja I , UV conform Odpowiadać
Strata przy suszeniu ≤0.5ml 0.21ml
Pozostałości po zapłonie Nie więcej niż 0.2% 0.06ml
Iron Nie więcej niż 0.005% 0.0018%
Metale ciężkie Nie więcej niż 0.001% 0.0006%
Substancje pokrewne Całkowity: Nie więcej niż 1.0%
Individual: Nie więcej niż 0.5%
E-isomer Nie więcej niż 0.3% 0.19%
Organic volatile impurities Zgodny Zgodny
Analiza 99.0~101.0% 99.51%
Wniosek Conform with USP30

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