Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Piracetam–CAS: 7491-74-9

Piracetam–MF: C6H10N2O2

Piracetam–MW: 142.16

Piracetam–EINECS: 231-312-7

PiracetamChemical Properties White Solid

PiracetamUsage antinauseant


Biological Activity Nootropic that displays cognitive enhancing properties. Proposed to enhance neurotransmission via modulation of ion flux; potentiates Na + influx through AMPA receptors. Facilitates efficiency of cholinergic neurotransmission at muscarinic receptors.

Piracetam is a cognitive enhancer and memory enhancing supplement. Many people across the world use the nootropic, piracetam, to effectively retain knowledge andimprove memory. Piracetam is utilized by both younger and older healthy individuals.

From recent and past clinical studies and research, Piracetam has been determined to support memory and aid individuals experiencing memory loss and difficulties in the ability to retain knowledge. Piracetam may enhance, elevate, and improve cognitive functions and abilities linked and associated to the central nervous system, memory development and memory processes.

Piracetam is most known for its ability to enhance cognitive function. Phenylpiracetam influences the hippocampus which is the area of the brain that is involved in new memory formation. When using Phenylpiracetam, you may feel like you can effortlessly remember every detail from your day or from material that you read. You will also experience much higher levels of concentration and focus, in addition to improved wakefulness and mental energy.

While many nootropic supplements can have positive implications for physical performance as well as mental performance, Phenylpiracetam was actually initially developed to be used by athletes. Phenylpiracetam is believed to improve the neuromuscular connection, resulting in better locomotor activity and coordination. Some bodybuilders and athletes still use this compound as a pre-workout supplement.

Piracetam's effects are considered less strong compared to its more recent descendants but still remains a very popular choice for a well-rounded nootropic supplement. Many individuals use piracetam as a supplement to boost mental performance.

Vzhľad Biely alebo takmer biely prášok Vyhovuje
Rozpustnosť Freely soluble in water , soluble in alcohol Vyhovuje
IR Spectrum Concordant with the reference standard Vyhovuje
Appearance of solution The solution is clear and colorless Vyhovuje
Jediná nečistota Nie viac ako 0.1% 0.018%
Total impurities Nie viac ako 0.3% 0.047%
Disregard limit Nie viac ako 0.05% Vyhovuje
Heavy metal Not more than 10ppm Vyhovuje
Strata sušením Nie viac ako 1.0% 0.2%
Sulphated ash Nie viac ako 0.1% 0.06%
Skúška 98.0%~102,0 % 98.5%

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