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Назва продукту Palmitoyl Tripeptide 38
Номер CAS 1447824-23-8
Синоніми Matrixyl synthsis;Palmitoyl Tripeptide 38;matrixyl synthe6
Молекулярна формула C33Х65Н5О7С
Молекулярна маса 675.96
Чистота 99%
Зовнішній вигляд Білий порошок
номер EINECS 1447824-23-8

Palmitoyl Tripeptide-38 is the reaction product of palmitic acid and Tripeptide-38. It penetrates deep into the dermis to boost the production of collagen and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, particularly on the forehead.

Palmitoyl Tripeptide 38 consists of three amino acids and is a bioxidated lipid peptide. This peptide is inspired by a three-peptide that is naturally found in collagen VI and layered adhesion proteins. It reconstructs the skin from the inside where it is needed, so that wrinkles are smooth and soothing, especially for forehead, fishtail, head and neck patterns.

Palmitoyl Tripeptide 38 has a matrikine-like effect that promotes the synthesis of six main components, such as collagen I, III, IV, fibrous connection protein, hyaluronic acid and layer adhesion protein 5, that make up the skin matrix and epidermis-dermal connection tissue

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