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Kozmetični peptidi

» Peptidi » Kozmetični peptidi

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INCI Name: Palmitoyl Dipeptide-7 Reference: palestrina
Cas Št: 911813-90-6 Formula: C26H51N3O5
Molekularno:485.7 Čistost: >95%
Ocena: kozmetični Vir: sintetični

Palmitoyl Dipeptide-7 is one of the shortest peptides. When tested with human skin equivalents, it was found to enhance differentiation of the epidermis, basement membrane zone,and dermal fibroblasts. Within dermal fibroblasts, Palmitoyl Dipeptide-7 increased collagen I, collagen IV,and fibronectin. Use of peptides for topical application is limited by the ionic nature of the amino acid chains.However, this may be circumvented through the incorporation of a lipophilic derivative, such as palmitoyl.

Palmitoyl Dipeptide-7 that enhances aquaporin 3(AQP3) expression, improving the water flux from the basal layer of the epidermis to the stratum corneum. Skin hydration is not only preserved but raised with Diffuporine. Furthermore, it improves the barrier function and increase collagen I synthesis and keratinocyte proliferation, providing a complete treatment against skin aging.

Palmitoyl Dipeptide-7 that enhances aquaporin 3(AQP3) expression, improving the water flux from the basal layer of the epidermis to the stratum corneum. Skin hydration is not only preserved but raised with Diffuporine. Furthermore, it improves the barrier function and increase collagen I synthesis and keratinocyte proliferation, providing a complete treatment against skin aging.

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