Oligopeptide-24 Description
Oligopeptide-24 is the synthetic peptide containing 13 アルギニンからなるアミノ酸, アスパラギン酸, システイン, イソロイシン, glutamic acid
Oligopeptide-24 Efficacy and Application
Oligopeptide-24 is an elastin derived peptide that upregulates expression of elastin and hyaluronic acid, 線維芽細胞の活性を高めます. しわ防止剤や引き締め剤として化粧品に使用されています。オリゴペプチド-24は皮膚のEGF合成を促進します。, promote the formation of new skin cells, and reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles.
オリゴペプチド-24. CG-EDP3 by Caregen acts as an anti-wrinkle, skin lifting and firming agent. It is a double layered encapsulated biomimetic peptide which reduces and prevents lines and wrinkles by actively generating new skin cells. It enhances skin tone that brimming with vitality and energy and minimizes scars on skin by forming new skin cell. Exhibits up-regulation of cell growth and migration, cell survival, extracellular matrix expression. Used in skin care products.
Anti-wrinkle anti-aging
Improve skin quality
Face, neck and hand care products
Can be added to skin care products such as lotions, masks, morning and evening creams, eye serums, 等.