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péptidos farmacéuticos

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Octreotide Acetate
Alias:Octreotide Acetate,Sodium deoxyribose guarylic acid,Acetic octreotide,Octreotide,Sandostatin
No CAS. : 83150-76-9
Pureza (HPLC) : 98.0%min.
Fórmula molecular : C49H66N10O10S2
Peso molecular : 1019.28
Apariencia : polvo blanco

Octreotide Acetate is the acetate salt of a synthetic long-acting cyclic octapeptide with pharmacologic properties mimicking those of the natural hormone somatostatin. Octreotide is a more potent inhibitor of growth hormon, glucagon, and insuli than somatostatin. Similar to somatostatin, this agent also suppresses the luteinizin hormon response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone, decreases splanchnic blood flow, and inhibits the release of serotonin, gastrin, vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), secretin, motilin, pancreatic polypeptide, and thyroid stimulating hormone.

This medicine is given to control symptoms such as diarrhea or flushing in patients with tumors such as carcinoid, pancreatic islet cell tumors, gastrinoma, or vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumors (VIPomas).

It is also used to treat acromegaly, when the body produces too much growth hormon, and the hands, feet, face or head grow too large.

Nombre del producto Octreotide Acetate
No CAS. 83150-76-9
Fórmula molecular C49H66N10O10S2
Peso molecular 1019.28
Pureza 98.0%
Apariencia polvo blanco
Composición de aminoácidos 10% of the oretical
Contenido de péptidos(NORTE%) 80%(por %N)
Contenido de agua(karl fischer) 7.0%
Contenido de acetato(HPIC) 12.0%
Balance de masa 95.0~105,0%

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    Email: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    WhatsApp: +8615636286252

    Teléfono: 0086-15636286252

    Sitio web: www.esteroides-péptidos.com

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