Čínsky výrobca prášku anabolických steroidov
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Kozmetické peptidy

» Peptidy » Kozmetické peptidy

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INCI Name: Octapeptide-2
Čistota: >98%
stupňa: cosmetic
Zápach: characteristic
Stability: stable
Rozpustnosť: rozpustný vo vode
Capacity: 300g per month
Vzhľad: biely prášok
Recommended dose: 10-25 PPM

Octapeptide-2 is a novel peptide that promotes hair growth. It rapidly repairs hair follicle cells, stimulates the natural growth of hair, and effectively reduces the shedding caused by DHT and aging.

Octapeptide-2 strengthens the hair while stimulating the hair follicles to produce healthy hair, preventing hair from turning white.

Octreotide has also been used off-label for the treatment of severe, refractory diarrhea from other causes.
It is used in toxicology for the treatment of prolonged recurrent hypoglycemia after sulfonylurea and possibly meglitinides overdose.
It has also been used with varying degrees of success in infants with nesidioblastosis to help decrease insu.lin hypersecretion.

Octreotide has been used experimentally to treat obesity, particularly obesity caused by lesions in the hunger and satiety centers of the hypothalamus, a region of the brain central to the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure.

Položky Normy Výsledky
Physical Analysis
Popis Biely prášok Vyhovuje
Skúška 99% Vyhovuje
Mesh Size 100 % prejsť 80 mesh Vyhovuje
Ash ≤ 5.0% 2.85%
Strata sušením ≤ 5.0% 2.85%
Chemical Analysis
Heavy Metal ≤ 10.0 mg/kg Vyhovuje
Pb ≤ 2.0 mg/kg Vyhovuje
Ako ≤ 1.0 mg/kg Vyhovuje
Hg ≤ 0.1 mg/kg Vyhovuje
Microbiological Analysis
Residue of Pesticide Negatívne Negatívne
Celkový počet tanierov ≤ 1000cfu/g Vyhovuje
Kvasnice&Pleseň ≤ 100cfu/g Vyhovuje
E.coil Negatívne Negatívne
Salmonella Negatívne Negatívne

Formulár dopytu ( ozveme sa vám čo najskôr )


4 + 3 = ?

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  • Kontaktuj nás

    Email: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    WhatsApp: +8615636286252

    Telefón: 0086-15636286252

    webové stránky: www.steroid-peptide.com

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