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Kozmetické peptidy

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CAS č.:1414- 45-5
Číslo EINECS:1414- 45-5
Typ:Antioxidants, Preservatives
Appearance of nisin: biely prášok

Nisin is a natural anti-microbial agent used as a preservative in heat processed and low pH foods. Its anti-microbial activity is used against a wide range of gram-positive bacteria and their spores, which cause food spoilage. It especially inhibits heat-resistant bacilli, such as B.Stearothermophilus, C. Butyricum and L. monocytogenes. Nisin alone is not effective against gram-negative bacteria or yeasts and molds. Research has shown that Nisin in combination with chelating agents such as EDTA or nonionic surfactants such as Polysorbate 20, shows potent bactericidal activity against gram-negative organisms.

1. Nisin is a kind of narrow spectrum antimicrobial agent, can kill and inhibit gram-positive bacteria and yeast, gram-negative bacteria and moulds are invalid. Rules can be used in meat and dairy products in China, the largest amount of 0.5 g/kg; In the vegetable protein beverage and canned maximum usage of 0.2 g/kg.
2. Due to its naturally selective spectrum of activity, it is also employed as a selective agent in microbiological media for the isolation of gram-negative bacteria, yeast, and moulds.
3. In combination with miconazole it has been studied as a possible treatment for infections of Clostridium difficile.
4. Ongoing research seems to indicate that nisin may also have potential for slowing the growth of certain tumors.

Vzhľad Light brown to cream white powder Vyhovuje
Potency (IU/ mg) 1000 Min 1115
Strata sušením (%) 3 Max 0.5
pH (10% Riešenie) 3.1- 3.6 3.4
Arzén ≤ 1 mg/kg < 1 mg/kg
Viesť ≤ 1 mg/kg < 1 mg/kg
Merkúr ≤ 1 mg/kg < 1 mg/kg
Total heavy metals ( as Pb) ≤ 10 mg/kg < 10 mg/kg
Sodium chloride (%) 50 Min Vyhovuje
Total plate count ≤ 10 cfu/g Vyhovuje
Coliform bacteria ≤ 30 MPN/ 100g Vyhovuje
E.coli/ 5g Negatívne Negatívne
Salmonella/ 10g Negatívne Negatívne

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