Pulverhersteller von anabolen Steroiden in China
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» Steroide roh » Nandrolon-Steroide

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CAS-Nr.: 62-90-8
EINECS: 200-551-9
Probe: 98%
Molekularformel: C27H34O3
Molekulargewicht: 406.56
Aussehen: Weißes oder fast weißes kristallines Pulver; Löslich in Ethanol, in Pflanzenöl leicht löslich; In Wasser praktisch unlöslich.
Verwendungszweck: Pharmazeutisches Material, Steroidhormon, Anabolin. Als männliches Hormon und anabole Hormone.

Nandrolone phenylpropionate (KKW), or nandrolone phenpropionate, sold under the brand name Durabolin amomg others, is a synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid and a nandrolone ester.

Nandrolone phenylpropionate is marketed in many countries throughout the world, including in the United Kingdom and Canada, and along with nandrolone decanoate (Deca-Durabolin), is one of the most widely used esters of nandrolone. Nandrolone esters like NPP and nandrolone decanoate are prodrugs of nandrolone.

Use after surgery for chronic wasting disease, serious illness, and weak thin, infirm, Osteoporose, infantile dysplasia, aplastic anemia, etc.

In earlier years, the only pharmaceutical injectables that were both widely available to bodybuilders and economical. Estrogen control did not then exist. Aus diesem Grund, Durabolin's low aromatizing properties were then quite useful. Durabolin therefore won wide popularity.

Dosage instruction: NPP is commonly dosed between 300-1,000 mg per week for a period of 8-16 weeks in length. If one is using NPP solely for the alleviation of joint discomfort, a dose of 200-300 mg per week will usually suffice.


Produktname Nandrolonphenylpropionat
Ref. Standard Unternehmensstandard
Testgegenstände Spezifikation Testergebnisse
Aussehen weißes Puder Complied
Schmelzpunkt 93~98℃ 94~95℃
Trocknungsverlust Not more than 0.5% 0.24%
Optische Drehung +48°~+51° +49.3°
Free acid 0.5%max 0.31%
Reinheit (HPLC) Not less than 98.0% 99.4%
Fazit The results conforms with enterprise standard

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