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Kosmetische Peptide

» Peptide » Kosmetische Peptide

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Produktname: N-Acetyl Carnosine
Anderer Name: N-Acetyl L-Carnosine
CAS-Nr.: 56353-15-2
MF: C11H16N4O4
Molekulargewicht: 268.27
Aussehen: weißes Puder
Haltbarkeit: Two years
Probe: ≥99%

N-acetyl carnosine is a natural dipeptide containing histidine and is the main source of L-carnosine pharmacologically. N-acetylcarnosine was an effective ophthalmic drug with potential for human cataract.

1.N-Acetyl Carnosine can Increases muscle strength and endurance.
2.N-Acetyl Carnosine canProtects against radiation damage.
3.N-Acetyl Carnosine can Improves the function of the heart.
4.N-Acetyl Carnosine can Speeds wound healing.
5.N-Acetyl Carnosine has Super antioxidant that quenches even the most destructive free radicals.
6.N-Acetyl Carnosine can Boost immunity and reduces inflammation.
7.N-Acetyl Carnosine can help chelate certain heavy metals from the body (chelate means to pull out).
8.N-Acetyl Carnosine may help children with autism.
9.N-Acetyl Carnosine may produce anti-cancer effects on the body.
10.N-Acetyl Carnosine can Protect the aging process of the brain by retarding lipid peroxidation and stabilizing cell membranes

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