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Taktiež známy ako : IBUTAMORIN, IbutaMoren Mesylát(MK-677) ,MK677
CAS: 159752-10-0
Molekulový vzorec: C27H36N4O5S.CH4O3S
Molekulová hmotnosť: 624.776
Kategórie produktov: SARM(Selektívny modulátor androgénneho receptora)
Teplota topenia MK-677: 156-158 °C
MK-677 soluble in water . ľahko absorbuje vlhkosť, takže uchovávajte zapečatenú konzerváciu.

Ibutamoren Nutrobal (MK677) is a selective agonist of the ghrelin receptor and growth hormone secretagogue, often miscategorized as a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator). Many of those in the fitness industry have chosen to roll with this compound vs. using growth hormone releasing peptides (GHRP’s) or human growth hormone due to cost and to avoid injecting themselves.

MK 677 (IbutaMoren ) is rather similar to peptides like Ipamorelin and GHRP-6, but is administered orally and unlikely to set off the side effects that the latter can possibly cause during use. Apart from ease of use since you don’t have to do painful and inconvenient injections with MK 677 (IbutaMoren ), you can also expect to have significant changes in your IGF-1 and growth hormone levels while on the product.

Of course, you know that you don’t need any injections and you also know that you don’t have to put up with any side effects as well. Of course it is important to know that it is ideal for those who want to store it and take it with them on the go and you don’t have to worry about storing your peptides in the fridge as well. You can take these tablets orally and you only need a single dose in order to benefit from the growth benefits that MK-677 has to offer. Your body fat will essentially melt off you and it isn’t uncommon for you to gain up to 10 pounds of muscle in the first week, while also burning a great deal of body fat as well so this is another thing that you have to think about when the time does come for you to take advantage of this.

The ideal dose of taking MK 677 (Nutrobal) is between 5 do 25 milligrams daily in a 10-week cycle. When you do this, you know that you can see results while also making sure that you are not taking more than you should. On top of this, you can also adjust the dose as required and this is a great way for you to make sure that you are always making the right decisions when it comes to your workout. If you do take more than you should and if you are not taking the right dose then you can’t expect to get the best result and this is just one of the many things that you have to think about when the time does come for you to get started.

If you want to body build then the best way for you to do this would be for you to take the maximum dose of 25 a day. This is in accordance to whatever you take normally and it is important to make sure that you gradually increase it over time because when you do this you know that you can not only make the most out of your workout but also the most out of your body as well so this is another thing that you need to think about when the time does come for you to start taking the product of your choosing.

Vzhľad White to Off-White Powder Biely prášok
Príbuzné látky A single impurity≤0.5% 0.15%
Celkové nečistoty ≤ 1,0 % 0.45%
Strata sušením ≤ 0,5 % 0.15%
Skúška >98.5% 99.1%
Záver Confirms to Enterprise Standard

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