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داروسازی فعال

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  • مشخصات فنی
  • توضیحات محصول
  • استفاده از محصول
  • COA
نام محصول Metformin
شماره CAS 657-24-9
فرمول مولکولی C4H11N5
وزن مولکولی 129.16
مقطع تحصیلی medical-grade
ظاهر پودر ریز سفید
سنجش 99%

Metformin, ن,N-dimethylimidodicarbonimidicdiamide hydrochloride (Glucophage), is a bisguanidine.This class of agents is capable of reducing sugar absorptionfrom the gastrointestinal tract. Also, they can decrease gluconeogenesiswhile increasing glucose uptake by muscles andfat cells. These effects, in turn, lead to lower blood glucoselevels. Unlike the sulfonylureas, these are not hypoglycemicagents but rather can act as antihyperglycemics. Often,metformin is coadministered with the nonsulfonylureas to improvethe efficacy of those agents.

1.Increase the sensibility of surrounding tissues to insulin and the insulin-mediated usage of amylaceum.
2.Increase the the amylaceum usage to those organization, such as brain, blood corpuscle, medulla renis, intestinal tract, skin and so on.
3.Restrain the heteroplasia of hepatic glycogen, lower the output of hepatic glycogen.
4.Restrain the intestinal wall cells from absorbing amylaceum.
5.Restrain the biosynthesis and storage of cholesterol, lower triglyceride, and total level of cholesterol.

شرح White crystals or crystalline powder White crystals or crystalline powder
شناسایی Infrared absorption spectrum Infrared absorption spectrum
چرخش ویژه +26.3 درجه- +27.7درجه +26.9 درجه- +27.9درجه
State of solution --- ≥ 98.0%
کلرید (Cl) ≤ 0.05% ≤ 0.020%
Ammonium (NH4) --- ≤ 0.02%
سولفات (SO4) ≤ 0.03% ≤ 0.020%
Iron (Fe) ≤ 0.003% ≤ 10PPm
فلزات سنگین (سرب) ≤ 0.0015% ≤ 10PPm
(As2O3) --- ≤ 1PPm
Other amino acids --- Chromatographically not detectable
ضرر در خشک شدن ≤ 0.5% ≤ 0.5%
پس مانده های احتراق ≤ 0.3% ≤ 0.10%
سنجش 98.5-101.5% 99.0 - 101.0%
PH --- 10.5-12.0
Organic volatile impurities Meets the requirements ---

فرم درخواست ( ما در اسرع وقت به شما پاسخ خواهیم داد )

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5 + 9 = ?

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