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Melanotan 2 (MT2)Melanotan-II

Melanotan 2CAS 121062-08-6

Melanotan 2Purity (metodą HPLC): 99.00%

Melanotan 2Appearance: Biały proszek

Melanotan 2CAS Number: 121062-08-6

Melanotan 2Sequence: Ac-Nle-Asp-His-D-Phe-Arg-Trp-Lys-NH2

Melanotan 2Molecular Formula: C50H69N15O9

Melanotan 2Molecular weight: 1024.2

Storage Condition; away from light, cold storage (2-8 degree)

Stosowanie: prevention sunlight-induce skin cancer; Sexual Dysfunction & Fat Decomposition

Melanotan 2 (mt 2) is a synthetic variant of the naturally occurring peptide hormone alpha-melanocytic-stimulating hormone (α-MSH)1, which stimulates the production of melanin in the skin through a process known as melanogenesis - the molecule responsible for hair and skin pigmentation. Naturally occurring α-MSH has also been shown to play a role in feeding, maintenance of available and stored energy, and sexual activity through its role as an agonist of the melanocortin receptors MC1, MC3, and MC4; MC1 is responsible for affecting skin pigmentation, and MC3 and MC4 are responsible for affecting appetite, metabolizm, and sexual activity.

Melanotan 2 (mt 2), a circular seven-peptide that stimulates the production of natural melanin in the absence of sunlight, resulting in skin darkening without sunlight, was originally developed to protect against the potential carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

In addition to promoting skin tanning, melanin II has also been shown to be a lipodecomposing agent (destroying fat cells), an appetite suppressant, and a stimulant of libido in animal subjects. Melanotan II has been shown to be highly effective in reducing caloric intake while eliminating cholesterol and fat stores in obese mice through its targeted metabolic effects.

Melanotan 2 is a synthetically produced variant of a peptide hormone naturally produced in the body that stimulates melanogenesis, a process responsible for pigmentation of the skin. This peptide hormone, called alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone or MSH, activates certain melanocortin receptors in the process of exerting its effects. Indeed, MSH also exerts potent influence over lipid metabolism, appetite, and sexual libido via these melanocortin receptors. As a result, Melanotan 2 has been shown in studies to exhibit appetite suppressant, lipolytic, and libido-enhancing effects in addition to promoting skin tanning. Melanotan 2 has been researched extensively for use in protecting against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation from sunlight due to its melanogenesis-stimulating properties.

Dodatkowo, Melanotan 2 and a similar synthetically produced variant, known as PT-141, have been studied at length as a potential remedy for the treatment of sexual dysfunction; swoiście, male erectile dysfunction.

Wygląd zewnętrzny Biały krystaliczny proszek
Analiza ≥99%
Metale ciężkie ≤10ppm
Arsen ≤1ppm
Ołów ≤3ppm
Mercury ≤0,1 ppm
Kadm ≤1ppm
Całkowita liczba płytek ≤1000 jtk/g
Drożdże & Pleśń ≤100 jtk/g
E coli Negatywny
Salmonella Negatywny
Wniosek The product conforms to the standard.

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