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پپتیدهای آرایشی

» پپتیدها » پپتیدهای آرایشی

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CAS 1565763-62-3
نام LZ1 peptide
مترادف ها LZ1 peptide
MF C63H116N22O13S4
خلوص 99%
کاربرد Proteasome activating peptide 1 is a peptide that enhances the catalytic activity of chymoproteasome like proteasome, thereby increasing proteolysis rates in vitro and in culture. Proteasome activating peptide 1 prevents protein aggregation in a als cell model


The antimicrobial peptide LZ1 is an artificially designed and synthesized active polypeptide. The antimicrobial peptide LZ1 has a small molecular weight, strong bacterial effect, broad antibacterial spectrum, and basically does not have hemolytic activity and eukaryotic cytotoxicity.

The antibacterial peptide LZ1 is small in molecular weight, strong in bactericidal effect and wide in antibacterial spectrum,almost does not have hemolytic activity or eukaryocyte toxicity, It is a small molecular antibacterial peptide with applicationvalue, is convenient to artificially synthesize, and can be used for preparing an antibacterial medicament.

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    پست الکترونیک: jacob@steroid-peptide.com

    واتس اپ: +8615636286252

    تلفن: 0086-15636286252

    سایت اینترنتی: www.steroid-peptide.com

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