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داروسازی فعال

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نام محصول لوتپردنول اتابونات
CAS 82034-46-6
ظاهر پودر سفید
فرمول مولکولی C24H31ClO7
وزن مولکولی N/A
سنجش 98%

Loteprednol (as Loteprednol Etabonate) is a topical anti-inflammatory corticosteroid. Loteprednol etabonate (LE) has a 17α-chloromethyl ester, in lieu of a ketone group, and a 17β-etabonate group. LE is highly lipophilic and binds with high affinity to the glucocorticoid receptor. Any unbound LE is metabolized to inactive metabolites.

Loteprednol etabonate is used in ophthalmic solution for the treatment of steroid responsive inflammatory conditions of the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva, cornea and anterior segment of the globe such as allergic conjunctivitis, uveitis, acne rosacea, superficial punctate keratitis, herpes zoster keratitis, iritis, cyclitis, and selected infective conjunctivitis. It is used in ophthalmic ointment for the treatment of post-operative inflammation and pain following ocular surgery. As a nasal spray, it is used for the treatment and management of seasonal allergic rhinitis.

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