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Активні фармацевтичні препарати

» Фармацевтика » Активні фармацевтичні препарати

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Ім'я: Лізиноприлу дигідрат
Англійський синонім: Лізиноприл
Номер CAS: 83915-83-7
Молекулярна формула: C21H31N3O5
Молекулярна маса: 405.49
Номер EINECS: 627-033-9

Lisinopril is a lysine derivative of enalapril, which is the third generation angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. It is better than captopril and enalapril for moderate and severe patients. It has no direct effect on the heart, it will not cause arrhythmia, no central effect, no blood pressure rebound and other adverse reactions. It can be used in patients with hypertension, such as diabetes, asthma, peripheral vascular disease, mental illness and congestive heart failure, and other treatment drugs. It is effective for congestive heart failure in short term and long term.

Lisinopril is a third-generation angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor and a lysine derivative of enalapril. It was marketed in the United States in 1987 for the treatment of hypertension and is a first-line drug for anti-hypertensive disease. The pharmacological action characteristics are similar to that of Enalapril. It has a strong inhibitory effect on angiotensin-converting enzyme.

Number CAS Ім'я
1 41859-67-0 Bezafibrate
2 62571-86-2 Captopril
3 113665-84-2 Clopidogrel
4 75847-73-3 Enalapril
5 49562-28-9 Fenofibrate
6 25812-30-0 Gemfibrozil
7 21187-98-4 Glicalzide
8 138402-11-6 Irbesartan
9 83915-83-7 Лізиноприл
10 75330-75-5 Lovastatin
11 79902-63-9 Simvastatin
12 87333-19-5 Ramipril
13 144701-48-4 Telmisartan
14 13649-88-2 Дефлазакорт
15 50-02-2 Dexamethasone
16 2135-17-3 Flumethasone
17 53-03-2 Prednisone

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