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Aktywne Farmaceutyki

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Nazwa produktu Levomefolate Calcium / L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate / L-5-MTHF Ca
CAS 151533-22-1
Wygląd zewnętrzny Proszek o barwie od białej do jasnożółtawej
Formuła molekularna C20H23CaN7O6
Waga molekularna 497.52
Analiza 98%

L-5-Methyltetrahydrofolate calcium 151533-22-1 is a naturally occurring salt forming methyl derivative of folate. 5-mthf, also known as l-methylfolate, is the most biologically active and functional form of folate and is more easily absorbed than folate.Common folate must be converted to l-methylfolate in order to participate in the two main metabolic pathways: methylation and DNA synthesis. The only form of free folate present in human plasma and cells is 5-mthf.Deficiency of folic acid is usually caused by insufficient absorption due to vitamin deficiency. Folic acid needs to be increased during pregnancy and breast-feeding, as well as during childhood growth. Folate-rich food cannot guarantee the dose provided by absorption or metabolic changes or drugs, so it needs to be supplemented.

1. L-5-MTHF Ca is Mainly for folic acid antagonists (such as methotrexate, pyrimethamine, benzyl cefalexin and trimethoprim) antidote, it's usually used for prevention of methotrexate dose or overdose treatment caused severe toxic effects.

2. L-5-MTHF Ca is used for Folic acid treatment of the following diseases, such as inflammatory diarrhea
and protein-energy malnutrition (poor nutrition), pregnancy or infancy megaloblastic anemia caused by poor.

3. L-5-MTHF Ca as adjuvant therapy for colon cancer, rectal cancer.

4. Combined with 5-FU and treatment of digestive tract tumors or other 5-FU-sensitive tumors.High-dose CF used in conjunction with 5-FU (LF), the basic programme is currently the treatment of colon and rectal cancer.

5. L-5-MTHF Ca is used For children with leukemia, lymphoma, and osteosarcoma, such as high dose MTX treatment when rescued.

Przedmiot Specyfikacja Wyniki testu
Wygląd zewnętrzny Biały lub prawie biały krystaliczny proszek Zgodny
Identyfikacja HNMR,HPLC Zgodny
Dokładny obrót[a]25D(C=1.5% in water) USP +45.07°
Calcium content(na sucho ) 7.0%~8.5% 7.3%
D-5-Methylfolate ≤1,0% Zgodny
Water cotent(KF) ≤16.0% 15.68%
Single impurity ≤1,0% <0.41%
Total Impurites ≤2.5% 1.45%
Residual solvent(Etanol) ≤5000ppm Niewykryty
Chlorek(CI) ≤0,5% Zgodny
Arsen(Jak) ≤1ppm <1ppm
Metale ciężkie ≤20ppm <20ppm
Boron ≤20ppm Zgodny
Total plate count ≤100 jtk/g Zgodny
Yeast and Mold ≤100 jtk/g Niewykryty
Salmonella Negatywny Zgodny
E coli Negatywny Zgodny
Analiza(na sucho) >98.0% 99.10%

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