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Амінокислотні добавки

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Звичайне ім'я L-serine
Номер CAS 56-45-1
Щільність 1.6
Молекулярна формула C3H7NO3
Молекулярна маса 105.093
Точка кипіння 394.8±32.0 °C at 760 мм рт.ст
Точка плавлення 222C
Точка займання 192.6±25.1 °C

L-Serine, also known as beta-hydroxyalanine, is a non-essential amino acid that plays a role in the metabolism of fats and fatty acids and the growth of muscles because it helps in the production of immune hemoglobin and antibodies and maintains a healthy immune system. Serine is also required. L-Serine plays a role in the production and processing of cell membranes, the synthesis of muscle tissue and sheaths surrounding nerve cells.

1. Food and beverage Field L- serine can be used to sports drinks, amino acids diet drinks.

2. Feed field L- serine can be used to animal feed, promote animal growth and development.

3. For health care L- serine widely used to configure the third-generation compound amino acid infusion and nutritional supplements, and for the synthesis of a variety of silk amino acid derivatives, such as cardiovascular, cancer, AIDS and genetic engineering of new products and other protected amino acids;

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