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مکمل های اسید آمینه

» داروسازی » مکمل های اسید آمینه

  • مشخصات فنی
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  • استفاده از محصول
نام محصول L-Phenylalanine
شماره CAS. 63-91-2
فرمول مولکولی C9H11NO2
وزن مولکولی 165.19
ظاهر پودر سفید
سنجش 99%
مقطع تحصیلی Pharmaceutica/Food/Feed Grade

Phenylalanine are important food additives - sweetener Aspartame of the main raw material, the human body essential amino acids in one of the pharmaceutical industry is mainly used for amino acid transfusion and amino acid drugs. L-Phenylalanine is human body can't synthesized a kind of essential amino acids. Food industry mainly for food sweetener aspartame synthesis raw material; Also can be used as nutritional supplement.

1. Nutritional Supplement.
One of the essential amino acids. In most food proteins almost not limited amino acid. Can be added in baking food, in addition to strengthening phenylalanine outside, and sugar up amino-carbonyl reaction, can improve the smell of food.

2. Phenylalanine are important food additives - sweetener Aspartame (Aspartame) of the main raw material, the human body essential amino acids in one of the pharmaceutical industry is mainly used for amino acid transfusion and amino acid drugs.

3. Phenylalanine is a kind of essential amino acids that human body can't synthesized. In food industry, mainly for food sweetener aspartame synthesis raw material.

4. Also can be used as nutritional supplement.

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