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Амінокислотні добавки

» Фармацевтика » Амінокислотні добавки

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Назва продукту: L-Methionine
Синоніми: L-Met-OH;L-Methionine,Animal-Free;L-METHIONINE(13C5,D8,15N);L-METHIONINE(1,2,3,4-13C4;METHYL-13CH3);ChemicalbookL-METHIONINE,REAGENTGRADE,>=98%(;L-MethionineUSP,98.5-101.5%(Titration:anhydrousbasis);L(-)-Methionin
Номер CAS. 63-68-3
Формула: C5H11NO2S
Формула Вага: 149.21
Зовнішній вигляд: порошок
Колір: Білий
Розчинність: 1 M HCl: 0.5 M at 20 °C, clear, безбарвний
Зберігання: 20-25°C

Methionine (L-methionine) is a nutritional supplement as well as an essential amino acid found in food. Methionine is required for normal growth and repair of body tissues; it cannot be made by the body, but must be obtained from the diet; thus, it is considered an "essential" амінокислота. There are two types of methionine-L-methionine (which is naturally-occurring) and D-methionine. Each contains the same chemical make-up, but the molecules are mirror images. A mixture of the two is called DL-methionine.

L Methionine is one of the physical forms of methionine. DL-Methionine is not the natural form of methionine. L Methionine is one of essential amino acids constituting the human body, involved in protein synthesis. Because it can not be generated in the body itself, it must be obtained from outside.

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