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Назва продукту
L-Lysine Hydrochloride
Молекулярна формула
Зовнішній вигляд
White crystal powder
Формула Вага
Точка плавлення
263 °C (дек.)(освітлений.)
Точка кипіння
311.5°C при 760 мм рт.ст
Точка займання
Розчинність у воді
65 g/100 mL (20 °C)

L-lysine hydrochloride, with molecular formula of sparkling, is a white crystalline or crystalline powder, almost odorless and soluble in water. Lysine acetate is one of the essential amino acids for human body. It not only participates in some metabolic processes, but also affects the metabolism and absorption of other amino acids. The existing research results show that lysine can inhibit the replication of simple scab virus, prevent angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, improve the memory function of patients with memory loss, and also has barbiturate like anticonvulsant effect. In medicine, it can be used to prepare amino acid injection and oral preparation. It is an auxiliary drug for preparing amino acid injection and oral diuretics to treat lead poisoning caused by the reduction of chloride in blood. It can form salt with acidic drugs to reduce adverse reactions.

L-Lysine HCL is one of the most widely used amino acid. It is an essential amino acid required in the diets of swine, poultry and most other animal species. It is mainly produced by fermentation using strains of corynebacteria, especially Corynebacterium glutamicum, which comprises a multi-step process including fermentation, cell separation by centrifugation or ultrafiltration, product separation and purification, evaporation and drying. Because of L-Lysine great importance, efforts are constantly being made in order to improve the fermentation processes, comprising strain and process development as well as media optimization and downstream processing are used for the production of L-lysine and other L-amino acids, operation in mixing tank or air lift fermenters. Generally it is mainly used in Poultry & Livestock feed industry as the supplement of essential amino acids for poultry,livestock and other animals.

Пункт USP32 USP40
Зовнішній вигляд Білий кристалічний порошок
Ідентифікація Відповідати Відповідати
аналіз 98.5%~101.5% 98.5%~101.5%
PH Value 5.0~6.0 ---
Втрати при висиханні ≤0.4% ≤0.4%
Залишок при розпалюванні ≤0,1% ≤0,1%
Chloride(as Cl) 19.0%~19.6% 19.0%~19.6%
Heavy Metals(as Pb) ≤15ppm ≤15ppm
Iron(as Fe) ≤30ppm ≤30ppm
Sulfate(as SO4) ≤0.03% ≤0.03%
Other amino acids Відповідати Відповідати
Органічні леткі домішки Meet the requirement ---
Питома ротація +20.4°~ +21.4° +20.4°~ +21.4°

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